Excellence Awards 2022

State lavorando a un progetto originale o avete un'idea che volete sviluppare? Non perdete tempo e candidatevi oggi stesso!


On the occasion of the 8th edition of the "ORPEA Excellence Awards", the teams met on February 1st to reward the most original and innovative initiatives to improve the daily lives of residents and patients


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A project to provide psychological support at the end of life - in accordance with the ethical principles of humanity, dignity, beneficence, proportionality and autonomy - carried out by the CasaMia residence (Treviso) and the RESIDENZA VENEZIA (Venice).


A study conducted by Ignacio Bassurte-Villamor at the Clínica López Ibor on the positive effects of Vortioxetine in the treatment of depression in patients with addictive substance use disorders (alcohol and drugs).


1️⃣ Use of MemoreBox (RetroBrain R&D GmbH), a game-based training program to reduce the effects of age-related diseases (such as cognitive decline) and the risk of falling in ORPEA Deutschland GmbH facilities.

2️⃣ Design of a questionnaire for screening elderly people for swallowing disorders by the teams at the Ostrowia facility (Poland)


1️⃣ Led by the residence Le Clos des Lilas (France), the project "Récits de vie" allowed to collect, during one year, the personal stories of the residents, their families and the staff to make an exhibition. Moments of life highlighted through different media (book, film, photo exhibition, play, etc.).

2️⃣ Patients at the Wentylacji Respiratorem institution in Konstancja (Poland), who breathe with the help of mechanical ventilation systems, were able to enjoy a visit to a botanical garden in complete safety thanks to the invaluable support of the care teams.


The Buenavista residence in Madrid (Spain) offers to accompany residents suffering from mild cognitive impairment in their daily activities with the help of a virtual assistant.